About EJMS
Welcome to the East Jackson Middle School Website!
At East Jackson Middle School, we serve approximately 550 students in 6th and 7th grade. Our teachers and support staff are fully committed to providing students with remarkable experiences each and every day. Students attending EJMS have many opportunities to grow through academics, athletics, and other extracurricular activities. EJMS participates in an array of sports and clubs where students are able to learn valuable lessons, such as teamwork, commitment, and perseverance. Building community is one of the most important things here at EJMS. We value your partnership and highly encourage your involvement as we strive to support all students. If you are interested in becoming a partner in education or volunteering, please contact the school.
School Address: East Jackson Middle School, 1880 Hoods Mill Road, Commerce, GA 30529
Phone: 706.335.2083 Fax: 706.336.7907
Hours: 8:00pm - 3:05 pm
Mascot: Eagles
School Colors: Navy and Silver
Principal: Jonathan Harris, jharris@jcss.us
Assistant Principal: Derelle McMenomy, dmcmenomy@jcss.us